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BFM fittings on Vibratory Conveyors

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BFM fittings on Vibratory Conveyors

Within the food and dairy industries, there are many types of vibratory conveyors utilized. Vibratory conveyors are often used for products like fine powders, tacky materials, granular materials, or bulk materials. With these particular types of challenging powders, it’s especially important to keep them flowing uninterrupted, which is where BFM fittings can help!


Vibratory Tube Conveyors



Vibratory Tube and BFM fittings

Just as the name suggests, vibratory tube conveyors consists of a cylindrical stainless steel tube that gently vibrates to convey powder and bulk materials.

At both the inlet and the outlet of the vibratory tube conveyor, just as with many other types of equipment, BFM fittings are often installed.

The standard Seeflex 040E material is typically appropriate since the vibration is small and doesn’t normally affect the integrity of the flexible sleeve (application and product dependent).

Other materials may be utilized under special circumstances and are assessed on a case-by-case basis, which our specialists are happy to help customers assess.


Horizontal Motion Conveyors


BFM fittings Inlet Horizontal Motion Conveyor SS Ring Slipstick Another common vibratory conveyor that we often see is a horizontal motion conveyor. Horizontal motion conveyors or horizontal differential motion conveyors prevent product degradation by slowly moving forward, then quickly moving backwards to transport products. The sudden movement moves the product forward while gently handling fragile products.

As with the vibratory tube conveyors listed above, the standard Seeflex 040E sleeve material is typically suggested for the inlets and outlets of horizontal motion conveyors. As seen in the photo to the right, offset installations can be remedied with sleeves integrated with stainless steel rings for additional support and structure.


Sizing Considerations


With most vibratory conveyors, the main consideration becomes the length of the sleeve. When selecting the length of your sleeve, be sure to discuss your equipment specifications, distance, and movements with a PSI representative.


Designed for Success


The common design features including sanitary construction, ease of cleaning, and low maintenance mechanics make vibratory conveyors an ideal choice for food and dairy facilities when product purity, low equipment maintenance, and modernized manufacturing operations are desired. These standardizations and efficiency efforts pair perfectly with BFM fitting integration for continued processing success.


Please contact a PSI representative below to discuss your options!


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